Get to know us!
Kristina Grosspietsch and Devin O’Neill are comedy actors, writers, and human people based in NYC. They were recently called “a power pair” by Funny or Die and are both members of Magnet Theater’s NYTimes-reviewed, all-female improv show “The Cast.” In 2018, they co-wrote “Opening Night,” a high-energy show where the pair plays 8 characters experiencing a chaotic Broadway premiere. When it premiered in the NY International Fringe Festival, it was called “hilarious” by theater critic Johnathan Mandell and “absurd and oddly touching,” by Theatre is Easy’s Emily Cordes. Cordes also highlighted Devin and Kristina’s “remarkable versatility and comic precision” — which is something they like to tell everyone they meet.
More broadly, Kristina likes dogs and cheese. Devin makes a mean sweet potato and pecan casserole at Thanksgiving.
“Next, a picture with big scarves!”
“Yes. Scarves are funny.”

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